IEP specialises in meeting and exceeding the plastics needs of the signage and display industry.
We offer a full range of semi-finished products in sheet, rod, tube and profiles. Please see our range below, we would delight in assisting you in selecting an appropriate material for your signage project, so please do get in touch.
Acrylic Sheet and Rod
High Impact polystyrene
Polymethyl Methacrylate
Acrylic is a tough highly transparent material with excellent resistance to ultraviolet radiation and weathering. It can be supplied in various colours and can be, moulded, cut, drilled, and formed. These properties make it ideal for outdoor signage and applications as an alternative to glass where impact resistance is required. It is half the weight of glass and transmits up to 96% of visible light. Because of its versatility it can be used in illuminated signage, point of sale items, leaflet holders, and all types of signage.
This material has excellent transparency, impact resistance and thermal stability. It is the fastest growing engineering plastic used in a variety of applications including riot shields, vandal proof glazing, electrical components and safety helmets. It maintains its rigidity up to 140⁰C but has a more limited chemical resistance than Acrylic. It is available in various grades dependant on application such as flame retardant, reinforced and stress crack resistance.
Polyethylene Terephtalate Glycol modified
Another high transparency, high impact resistant material but is more cost effective than Polycarbonate and Acrylic sheet. Used extensively for displays and signage as it can be bent hot or cold, can be printed and bonded and vinyl films can be easily applied. Again several grades are available dependant on application including anti-reflection and ultraviolet protection.
High Impact Polystyrene
Used in low strength structural applications when impact resistance, machinability and low cost are required. It is easy to fabricate, paint and solvent weld. It can be supplied in a gloss or matt finish and is inexpensive comparison to other sheet materials. Because of its versatile nature it is used extensively in the point of sale market, caravan interiors, refrigerator interior panels and indoor signage.

Proud to be working in partnership with some of the world’s most innovative plastic manufacturers